Pharmacist Take It to Twitter on October 2nd

Posted by articles on October 1, 2014 in Weight Loss & Fitness News | Miracle Burn 360
Pharmacist Take It to Twitter on October 2nd

On October 2nd this year pharmacists from all over the world are expected to take part of the second annual pharmacist tweet-a-thon. The tweet-a-thon will use the hashtag #Pharmacist. Representatives of more than 35 pharmacy organizations are expected to show how they help to improve patients’ lives, or the system itself via the Twitter feed. There was a lot of commitment last year, and it’s expected that this year will be even more engaging. Pharmacists get to share their stories, points of view, and frustrations. There were many inspirational stories last year, according to the National Community Pharmacists Association. Pharmacists demonstrated their impact on patients’ lives and showed many of their colleagues how to make a difference. Some feats, like administering 40 flu vaccinations in about three hours, were quite impressive. Others, like teaching newly diagnosed diabetes patients how to monitor their glucose, showed the importance of a pharmacist in a patient’s life. Finally, there were many potential negative reactions prevented by professionals with attention to detail who went that extra mile to make sure that patients were doing OK. Pharmacists are not there just to fill in prescriptions. They’re doing so much more in ensuring patient care. They advise patients, consult with physicians, help to improve the system’s efficiency and lower spending, and a lot more. They’re an important part of healthcare and the tweet-a-thon demonstrates it vividly. There are several national organizations that will participate in the tweet-a-thon and that includes the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, the American Pharmacists Association, the American College of Apothecaries, the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, and NCPA. The hope is that this year there will be an even bigger engagement than last year and that the tweet-a-thon will become an annual practice for the years to come. Reference link: http://drugtopics.modernmedicine.com/drug-topics/news/pharmacist-tweet-thon-set-oct-2nd

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